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Recon takes an analytical look behind select developments in healthcare

Highmark will invest up to $475M in the West Penn Allegheny Health System, a move characterized as a prelude to purchase. This is no bold move to drive closer integration of information flows and care…
Summary Wellpoint probably paid full value for Caremore (if that company's performance is as powerful as limited data suggests) but did not overpay. In addition, Caremore offers several powerful ups…
Summary: Blue Shield of California (BSC) has committed to keeping profits at 2% of revenues or less (and returning any excess). The commitment is economically meaningful: $180M of 2010 revenues will…
Yesterday, McKinsey released a report suggesting that 30% of employers will definitely or probably stop sponsoring health insurance after the Federal reform "big bang" in 2014. Although disputed by th…
Summary Massachusetts small group went from an average actuarial value (share of expected medical costs covered by the benefit) of 85% in Q1-07 to 73% in Q4-09. In the same timeframe, actuarial benef…
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