Recon takes an analytical look behind select developments in healthcare

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What lessons can be drawn from Walmart’s precipitous shut down of its attempt to launch primary care, dental and behavioral health services?  The Walmart Health management team (after some mid-stream …
A PDF version can be downloaded here. One of the major aims of the proposed BIOSECURE ACT[1] is to reduce supply-chain risks for pharmaceuticals, by penalizing firms that contract with China-based “bi…
Hitting reset for the immune system Every time I get into a new issue of the NEJM, I have a sense of anticipation as in “will this one have an article that blows my mind?” It doesn’t happen very often…
Summary After challenging conditions in 2022, deal-driven biotech spending appears to have picked up in 2023. To quantify this trend we have systematically reviewed deals announced during this period …
A Chinese study uncovers a new use for an old drug Bleeding in the small intestine is often due to vascular malformations and is difficult to diagnose and manage because 1) the area is hard to reach w…
PDF here Summary The idea of a single blood-test to detect many cancers is attractive, but is it practical? Can an MCED enhance, or even replace, current screening tests? This paper delves into these …
How the US taxpayer saved 25M+ people A short piece celebrating the 20th anniversary of PEPFAR, a program that few outside of the field of Global Health are aware of. The world is not always nasty and…
Preparing for the next pandemic: don’t waste the value of waste During the Covid-19 pandemic, I got in the habit of checking weekly the Boston sewage report, as a reliable, unbiased way of monitoring …
What does Socrates have to do with AI? And what's the Spooky Mountain and why we need to conquer it to get to an AI enabled future?…
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