Please see update at end of post.
If value-based care broadly delivers on its promise to reduce hospital admissions by providing more timely ambulatory care, a lot of today’s bed capacity will end up …
There have been some blog posts (here and here) about a discussion on payment reform at the Massachusetts Health Data Consortium last week. While I did not attend, the commentary is provocative and I…
Geographic barriers to provider competition are a headache for payers
By importing capabilities, specialty franchising could help reduce some of the barriers to cross-geography competition
A recent article in the NEJM argues that cost savings from
quality improvements are illusory because of the lumpy nature of healthcare
capacity. Quality’s impact on
utilization is just too small…
Part of the theory of ACO value creation is trading off more primary care (resulting in better care coordination, fewer missed time bombs, and use of lower cost care options) against reduced use of sp…
A new study from Center for Studying Health System Change suggests that new Medicaid eligibles under reform will have trouble getting access because most primary care are not accepting new M…
Remember the idea that coordination will improve care? Well, if physicians do not get timely reports from other providers, their patients seem to have lower costs!!! This from a new study o…
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